الجمعة، 6 أكتوبر 2017

How To Curb Bullying With Items Like Play Nice Tees

By Amy Cooper

When we hear of bullying, we consider it as a common happening. We do not want to see how we can help mitigate or do away with this vice so long as it is not our kids who are the victims. Play nice tees are a form of education to the public on the need for a change in our mindsets regarding this shameful practice. This article will seek to cover the things that can be done to deal with the issue of bullying in our schools.

When there are regulations in place to tackle this habit, its prevalence can be reduced drastically. There should be a price to pay for anyone who is seen to promote this evil. There are legislations in place to deal with this problem, but any gains cannot be realized if there lacks a concerted effort from the stakeholders. The tutors, students, and parents should work together with the guidance of the available rules.

Awareness is critical in ensuring that the public knows that there is a problem in our schools. This is the first step towards curbing a prevalent issue. If the community does not agree that there is a vice that has to be dealt with, the few persons who want it gone will find it hard. Any individual who is seen to move their wicked agenda forward ought to be condemned by the society as a whole.

School assemblies are usually meant to address students on various things. They can be used to educate pupils on the need to denounce any harassment to their colleagues. In these sessions, people who have been victims of this vice can be called to explain their experiences. The point should be that you do not have to be cruel to be attractive.

Tutors cannot win the fight against bullying alone. They need a lot of support from the homes where these bullies live. The guardians of the bully can help in coordinating with the teacher to see how a solution can be found. When the parents unite with their children to unleash terror against teachers and the other kids at school, the situation is made worse.

There are usually the cons and pros that come with technological advancements. Many people have embraced social media and currently billions of people are using the internet. If these social forums are abused, the consequences are severe. Nowadays, a kid can quickly open fake accounts and invite friends to bully a colleague.

Even as we call upon our teachers to help reduce this problem, we should empower them. With the freedom that our kids are enjoying at school, they have resorted to misuse it and to terrorize their tutors. When the teachers are not safe, it will be hard for any progress to be made towards eradicating this problem.

The problem of bullying can only be eradicated if gets considered as an epidemic. The fact that it is prevalent should make us think long and hard about its far-reaching consequences. The society has to be firm against this matter so that change can be achieved both in our minds and actions.

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